Firstly, I found pictures of Brighton, then I dragged the images and put them on Photo shop. After I put each photo on Photo shop, I cropped and re size each image so that each of the images that it would be a right scale. Then I open up a new document, I placed the cropped images of Brighton and put them on the document. I arranged and rearranging each image oh the document that is in Photo shop by using a grid. I used the grid to know where each image will go depending on whether the images are the same size or not. After that I found a T-shirt template and I placed the t-shirt montage collage and put it on the t-shirt template. The parts that went well are the layout each image of Brighton that I found including the Si Scott surfing logo that I made on Illustrator which creates a variety of bright and dull shades of warm and cold colours.
The photos that found of Brighton was based on a photo montage of Brighton and the atmosphere of Brighton is in inspiration of Linn Osbourne. I used a mixed variety of backgrounds that relates to the beach and also relates to surfing as well. I used pictures that I chose has a blend of blues and oranges, I chose these pictures that included those colours is because it gives the outcome of the t-shirt a warm, serene outlet which reflects upon the images in the T-shirt montage. The parts that I could improve on is use more texts in different styles that represents surfing especially waves. as well. The materials and techniques I used to create the Lin Osbourne t-shirt montage are, photographs of Brighton, layers, crop tool, hue and saturation tool and Photo shop.
The artist who created the surfing montage T-shirt is Lin Osbourne. Lin Osbourne uses a series of paintings and pictures that are associated to surfing, the paintings and pictures that are associated to surfing that Lin Osbourne used to create the T-shirt montage has a use of light tones of solid and soft colours which creates a natural blend of what each picture of the T-shirt montage represents. The artist used her techniques effectively by using the pictures and making into the form of the surfing logo. The themes that Lin Osbourne used as inspiration is basically pictures that are based on surfing. I do not like Lin Osbourne's T-shirt montage because she should had used the images to create the T-shirt montage and make it into the form of a surfboard and also she had used pictures that has more bright and less tonal colours so that it would make the t-shirt look bold and standout. |
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